Why you should join us

We at are a dynamic and growth-oriented software developing company.It’s more than clear to us that people are our most valuable asset. That’s why we make sure that you fit right in. You will join a great team, and help build a successful and happy workplace, characterized by short communication channels and exciting prospects.

Can't wait to jump on board?

Want to know what we stand for?

Nikakor ne moreš potešiti želje po znanju. Zmeraj se želiš naučiti nekaj novega o panogi v kateri delate. Črpaš iz preteklih izkušenj ljudi iz svojega okolja in iščeš najnovejše informacije. Ker je tvoja pozornost namenjena izključno možnostim- ne težavam, najdeš alternativne načine za vzpostavitev modelov, ki jih združuješ z novimi pogledi. Edinstven si zaradi svojega zavedanja, da mora biti znanje dostopno v korist tvojega profesionalnega okolja. Znanje uporabljaš z ozirom na prihodnost vedoč, da je le to edina zanesljiva osnova strokovnosti.


Zate je reševanje težav nekaj popolnoma naravnega. Poln/a si drznih idej in predlogov za izboljšave, ki jih z veseljem deliš z drugimi. Ljudje radi sodelujejo s teboj, ker si drzen mislec predan razvoju najsodobnejše programske opreme, s katero svojim strankam pripomoreš k ohranjanju vodilne pozicije na tržišču. Ker združuješ znanje in tehnološko strokovno podkovanost, imaš vse kar je potrebno za ustvarjanje inovacij za prihodnost.


Tvoj življenjski moto se glasi: “V slogi je moč.“ Skupna izkušnja in tiste izkušnje, ki jih želiš deliti z drugimi, zate predstavljajo bistvo vseh stvari. Zavedaš se pomembnosti ustvarjanja dobrih temeljev za dolgotrajno in uspešno partnerstvo s svojimi sodelavci in strankami. Rad/a si obdan/a z različnimi ljudmi, delaš in hkrati uživaš. Zadeva je preprosta:  zate so odnosi nekaj pomembnega.


There's just no way for you to quench that thirst for knowledge. There is always something new you need to know about the industry you work in; draw from the experience of people around you and seek the latest information. You have a complete focus on the possibilities - not the problems, thus finding alternative ways to apply established models and combining them with new aspects. What makes you unique is that you know that knowledge must be accessible to the benefit of your professional environment. You integrate knowledge future-oriented, knowing that that's the only valid basis of expertise.


Solving problems is something that comes naturally to you. You are full of bold ideas and improvement suggestions that you love to share with others. People like working with you because you are a bold thinker dedicated to developing cutting-edge software that puts your customers on top of the game. Since you possess the perfect combination of knowledge and technology mastership, you have what it takes to innovate for the future.


There is no I and WE is your life motto. You wish to share and create a joint journey and expertise with others. Laying good foundations in the present will give you a great future. That's why you are 100 % dedicated to building long-lasting and successful partnerships with your co-workers and customers. You like being around different people, working and having fun simultaneously. It's simple: to you, relationships matter.


Our People - the ones who make it happen

Since we are part of a company with a 40-year record of success, we are determined to make our own mark in the business. We love technology and innovation, always keeping in mind that we develop in order to evolve the insurance industry and lead our customers to success. Strong and lasting relationships, as well as productive cooperation within the team and customers, represent one of our highest professional priorities. Because we love what we do, we emerge in the smallest details and connect the dots by creating sophisticated products that satisfy the highest demands.But it’s not all about work. Not a single birthday is overlooked, not a single cake stays uneaten, and lunchtime with the team is a must. We take care of all those calories at the gym, and our team buildings are legendary.

Sounds good?