PT-RD-Smart market
msg life odateam accepts the development challenge of high-technology products within the scope of the Public tender for Incentives for research and development projects 2

Because we always strive for excellence when developing our products, we are fully aware of the importance of encouraging research, constant technological development and profitability of innovations. That is why we at msg life odateam joined forces with the companies Lunežnik d.o.o. and A-J-S d.o.o within the project Smart Market – the development of a high-technology product for the distribution/sale of local fruits and vegetables – and were granted funding from the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union, the European regional development fund as part of the Public tender for “Incentives for research and development projects 2«.The Smart Market project recognizes the shortage-problems concerning the ability to meet the requirements of a 24 h/day supply of local products which are usually offered by markets. The offered solution is our end product in the form of self-service kiosks, which will provide local fruit and vegetables to the customer round the clock, without the presence of a salesperson. So it came to pass that, starting with the 12.6.2018, we at msg life odateam have set ourselves the goal of developing the 2 following solutions:

• a Smart Market Web Application, a purpose-oriented user interface intended for the use of the Smart Market and
• an Artificial Intelligence Smart Market System, a purpose-oriented system that provides information regarding potential misuse in the process of product-return.The selected members of our team have vigorously accepted the challenge and have devoted themselves for 24 months to the research and development of these innovative solutions.
For more information on the European cohesion policy in Slovenia, please go to
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund

2021 – Successful completion of the project
We have successfully completed the implementation of the software support for the project Smart Market. After undergoing testing and correcting errors, the product is now prepared in a prototype version of a fully functioning self-service kiosk.

JR-RR-Multimodal urban mobility
msg life odateam continues to foster innovation within the scope of the Public tender for Incentives for research and development projects 2

We at msg life odateam are more than aware of the fact that in order for a company to sustain the lead in the market, it must constantly focus on research and development. This is the only true way to foster innovation within a organisation. Our latest challenge in the field of research is represented by the project »Multimodal urban mobility« for which we and our consortium partners were granted funding from the Republic of Slovenia and the European union, the European regional development fund as part of the Public tender for “Incentives for research and development projects 2«.Smart management of mobility within cities is one of the key elements of smart cities. With the development of Internet of Things and Internet of Services this field also witnessed intense development. However the already developed solutions do not fit the needs of all cities. The result of the project »Multimodal urban mobility« will be the development of a smart platform for parking management and the fostering of multimodal ways of traveling to final destinations in urban settings with the following goals:
• reduction of traffic and environmental pollution in urban centers,
• simplification and facilitation of parking in city centers, and
•simplification and promotion of a multimodal, sustainable way of traveling.

Selected members of all consortium partners have excitedly devoted themselves to the research and development of this innovative solution, which will last for 24 months.
For more information on the European cohesion policy in Slovenia, please go to

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund